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Mass. Abuse Prevention Orders

Abuse Prevention Order:

        In Massachusetts, an individual can request an Abuse Prevention Order (also called a restraining order or 209A protective order) to protect oneself from being abused by another person. 

        An individual can seek this court ordered protection from a:

  • Blood relative or relative by marriage
  • Spouse
  • Former spouse
  • Current or former household member
  • A person that you've had a serious dating relationship with

        Abuse is defined as:

  • Someone who has caused, or attempted to cause, physical abuse
  • Placing someone in fear or imminent fear of being abused
  • Causing an individual to engage involuntarily in sexual relations, either by force, threat of force, or duress 

If you, or someone you know, needs help in filing for an abuse prevention order or wants proper representation in defending yourself at the restraining order hearing, contact the Law Offices of Tanya M. Gravel, today. 
